Durable goods
Durable goods increases
  • Prior 2.8% (revised to 3.3%)
  • U.S. April durable goods orders increased by 1.1%, outperforming the consensus of a 1.0% decrease, and following a 3.3% increase in March (previously reported as 2.8%).
  • Durable goods orders excluding transportation decreased by 0.2% in April (consensus of -0.1%), compared to a 0.3% increase in March (previously reported as 0.2%).
  • April durable goods orders excluding defense decreased by 0.6% from March's increase of 3.2% (previously reported as 3.0%).
  • U.S. April nondefense capital goods orders excluding aircraft increased by 1.4% (above the consensus of -0.2%), compared to a decrease of 0.6% in March (previously reported as -1.1%).
  • April nondefense capital goods shipments excluding aircraft increased by 0.5%, compared to a decrease of 0.2% in March.
  • U.S. April durable goods shipments decreased by 0.7% from March's increase of 0.7%.
  • General machinery orders in April increased by 1.0%, while orders for electrical equipment decreased by 1.0%. Defense aircraft and parts orders increased dramatically by 32.7%.

The nondefense capital goods orders ex air is positive and good for GDP calculations.