- Prior was +16.0
- New orders 25.8 versus 14.2 last month
- Employment 38.9 versus 32.3 last month
- Six month capex 24.8 vs 21.5 last month
- Six month outlook 22.7 vs 28.1 last month
- Prices paid 81.0 versus 69.3 last month
- Average workweek 21.4 versus 10.8 last month
- Prices received 54.4 versus 49.8 last month
- Unfilled orders 21.0 versus 15.8 last month
- Delivery times inventories 39.7 versus 23.0 last month
- Full report
The survey overall continues to show strength and that's a great sign for the economy but that jump in delivery times suggests bottlenecks are getting worse, not better. All this suggests the Fed is falling behind the curve and that inflation pressure are building.