Durable goods
  • Prior month 0.0% revised sharply lower to -0.8%
  • Durable goods orders -0.8% versus 1.0% expected
  • Prior month ex transportation 0.5% revised to +0.6%
  • Ex Transportation 0.4% versus -0.1% expected
  • Non-Defense cap Ex air 0.5% versus 0.1% expected. Prior month 0.2%
  • Durable goods ex defense -1.1% versus -1.3% last month (revised sharply lower from -0.2%)

Ex transportation has seemed to have had an impact from the Boeing strike. Big revisions prior month.

The Non-Defense Cap ex air at +0.5% is a good number and should increase Q3 growth as a result. Below is the trend in chart of that series. So overall, the numbers are not that bad.

The durable goods will be revised in 10 or so days when the factory orders are released.

Cap expenditures ex air