• First up today we have (at 0000GMT) the Melbourne Institute Survey of Consumer Inflationary Expectations for February. Prior was 2.3%

The big event from Australia today, though, is the January employment report.

At 0030GMT:

  • Employment Change January: expected 15.0K, prior -22.6K
  • Unemployment Rate January: expected 5.9%, prior 5.8%
  • Full Time Employment Change January, prior was -31.6K
  • Part Time Employment Change January, prior was 9.0K
  • Participation Rate January, expected is 64.6,% prior was 64.6%

Note – Labour Force Survey population benchmarks, and the estimates, are revised in this release today (i.e changes have been made to the population base for today’s survey). The result today is therefore going to be a bit more of a lottery than normal. More here

  • We are also getting some words of wisdom from the RBA today, at 12.25 pm AEDT (0125GMT) Guy Debelle, Assistant Governor (Financial Markets), will be a panel discussant at the CIFR Financial Market Developments Symposium, Sydney. As always, be on the alert for comments on the economy, monetary policy, and the dollar. The RBA would like the have the AUD ‘with an 8 in front of it’. (point 8, that is