RBA Stevens Q&A:

  • Says risk of AUD will fall materially is underappreciated
  • He remains of the view that on most metrics it would be surprising if the AUD remains so high
  • He is puzzled why the US dollar is not higher given the US is recovering
  • Says intervention on AUD is part of the tool kit if thought useful
  • Says have not considered intervention useful so far
  • Would not want to give advance warning if did consider intervention
  • Says economy does not need draconian* fiscal tightening right now
  • Says budget problems are in the medium term
  • Says recent reading on unemployment was a weak one, difficult to interpret
  • Some improvement in employment growth this year
  • Some leading employment indicators have improved
  • A while before we’ll see sustained unemployment drop
  • AUD high in part because global capital finds Australia attractive

(Draconian* means harsh, severe in this context)

ADDED – RBA’s Kent comments now:

  • Says unemployment not to fall sustainably until late 2015, early 2016

Kent is Assistant Governor (Economic)

ADDED – RBA LOWE (Deputy Governor):

  • Says monetary policy can’t be engine of growth
  • Australia needs to enliven entrepreneurship
  • Worried Australia becoming too risk averse

Ps. – Stevens opening statement is here: Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Stevens testimony: Says RBA is allowing time for measures to take effect

Quick interpretation from Westpac (Sean Callow, Senior currency strategist at Westpac in Sydney):

  • Gov Stevens on underappreciated risk of significant fall in AUD is repeat of 3 July speech
  • View on economy more positive
  • No rate cut hint


Any further comments from Stevens will be in this new post:

More from RBA Stevens Q&A: Says has not thought about raising rates any time lately