Terry McCrann on Sky Business:
- “It’s my belief the recommendation is for a cut but I don’t know absolutely”
- McCrann on whether he has inside links with the RBA: “It would be inappropriate for me to comment on that”
- “When I analyse all the factors… I come to the conclusion there will be a rate cut.”
- “You have to appreciate how dramatically the world has changed in the past two months.”
- “The RBA will [rather] want to get ahead of the curve”
- on whether a rate cut will trigger animal spirits: “2mths ago a lower A$ would have been enough … now the conclusion is we need a lower dollar AND rate cuts”
- “McKibbon now out of touch…inclined to trust judgment of Stevens than any external commentator”
On Wednesday McCrann wrote that “the Reserve Bank will almost certainly cut the rate at its first meeting back for the year next Tuesday”
ADDED – Link to the full interview: Terry McCrann Exclusive
“There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” – Oscar Wilde