• UK is almost robust enough to return to normal

Would that be the “new” normal or the old normal Ben?

BOE dep gov in an interview to be shown later in ITV’s Tonight programme

GBPUSD down to 1.6214 on the headline.. Altogether now, keep calm, sell rallies. lol

  • no evidence that low rates are breeding higher risk
  • doesn’t think higher interest rates will lead to a significant rise in the number of repossessions
  • urges household and companies to prepare for rate hike and “think prudently about how much debt to take on”
  • pay growth is only one determinant of our ultimate objective which is inflation

There are lots of other things that might affect inflation and I think it would be a mistake therefore to tie our decision to only one thing.

House hold debt problem? Naaaah says Ben

Ben Broadbent in no hury to raise rates