Bloomberg reports, citing people familiar with the matter

BOJ Kuroda

The report says that the BOJ is currently considering refraining from extra stimulus next week but will look for a fresh way to show its continued readiness to take action.

Adding that officials point to the relative calm in financial markets and the lack of a clear deterioration in risks to prices as reasons for holding back.

The report also notes that officials have yet to see the global slowdown taking a toll on domestic demand and view that momentum towards 2% inflation as maintained.

To make it simpler to read, it just means that the BOJ is trying to mix things up now as markets are starting to catch wind of the lack of ammunition in their armory.

The report above is no different to the ones we have seen since the weekend. Anyway...

If and when the BOJ fires, expect it to backfire against them because at this stage, markets know that they are only relying on the threat of stimulus to do the job rather than actually introducing stimulus measures themselves - since they are out of options.

It's a tough spot to be in because they still have to keep lying to themselves and the rest of the world that they can reach the 2% inflation target eventually. Otherwise, the whole illusion of them having a strong armory to fight back will vanish.