Due at 0130GMT, the People's Bank of China monthly Loan Prime Rate setting.


  • 1 year 3.85%
  • 5 year 4.65%

Both are expected to remain unchanged. Reuters poll :

  • 26 respondents (74%) in the survey predict no change to the 1 year
  • 20% expect 5 basis points cur in the 1 year

The PBOC rolled some maturing MLF loans last week at an unchanged rate of 2.95%.

Adds Reuters:

  • More easing is still widely expected in coming months
  • China's cabinet indicated last week that the government will keep liquidity ample by cutting banks' required reserve ratio (RRR) while guiding market interest rates lower


The LPR is set in reference to the rate on the PBOC's medium-term lending facility (MLF), its a lending reference rate set monthly by 18 banks.

PBOC Gov Yi Gang:

Due at 0130GMT, the People's Bank of China monthly Loan Prime Rate setting.