From ASB's weekly outlook, an interesting tidbit on the RBNZ
ASB lead into the piece with this:
- This suggests that in NZ, inflation is slumbering rather than slain. The main question is when NZ economic growth will pick up to a level that absorbs spare capacity in the economy, creating inflation
Abd then warn (bolding mine)
Looming risk of an OCR cut
- There is a further risk that getting the 'when' to occur soon enough may even mean the RBNZ cutting the Official Cash Rate further.
- But in the longer term, NZ will also move along the same path the US is currently on.
- When this happens, expect to see sustained inflation comfortably in the target band and slightly higher interest rates than have been the norm for much of the past decade
We get NZ inflation data for Q3 at 2145GMT on 15 October 2018