Yes ladies and gentlemen, Reserve Bank of Australia coming up at 0430GMT


There we go, all the previews in one place to make it a little easier.

And, one more - this a quickie from Daiwa:

  • RBA Board meeting should be a non-event with neither the Bank's cash rate nor neutral policy stance likely to change.

Uh, yeah … reckon they've got it in a nutshell.

But, if you have read down this far you'll want a bit more than that, amiright?

This also via Daiwa, a bit of a run down summary of the yesterday's (admittedly lower tier)data flow:

  • Following on from the slowdown in housing credit growth reported on Friday, data released by Corelogic indicated that Australian home prices remained in a gentle declining trend in June. The index recorded a modest 0.3%M/M fall - the eighth consecutive monthly decline - so that prices are now down 1.6%Y/Y. …
  • In other news, the ANZ job ads index fell 1.7%M/M in June, more than reversing a 1.4%M/M lift in May and causing annual growth to slow to 6.9%Y/Y.
  • Meanwhile, the Melbourne Institute monthly inflation gauge was steady in June, causing annual to decline 0.1ppt to 2.0%Y/Y - right at the bottom of the RBA's CPI target range.
  • Turning to the factory sector, the CBA manufacturing PMI rose 1.8pts to 55.0 in June, which is exactly in line with the average reading since the survey began in May 2016. By contrast the usually-more-volatile AIG manufacturing index fell a modest 0.1pts to 57.4.

Oh …. added bonus - what they say on the NZ survey coming up at 2200GMT:

quarterly QSBO business survey

  • confidence will doubtless remain weak, as suggested by last week's monthly ANZ survey, but we will be more interested to see what the survey suggests about pressures on capacity and inflation