ECB policymakers keen to cool euphoria over inflation drop


The European Central Bank needs to see further progress in dampening inflationary pressures, and companies along with governments need to chip in to prevent more policy tightening, ECB policymakers said on Wednesday.

Policymakers speaking at various venues across Europe appeared keen to cool any euphoria about the rapid fall in prices, arguing that the overall picture was more mixed. Some policymakers even argued that further rate hikes should not be taken off the table.

  • "You do see some progress (in underlying inflation), but not yet enough," ECB chief economist Philip Lane said in Riga
  • "The 'last mile' before we reach our inflation target may well be the hardest," Nagel said in London.
  • "It is far, far too early in my view to start talking about whether we need to start reducing or cutting rates... And also it is too early to declare that we have reached the top of the ladder" of interest rate hikes, Makhlouf said in Dublin.