If you see headlines that Lagarde is speaking today, Monday, 22 January 2024, its at a memorial service. Not an event of interest to markets.

  • At 1400 GMT
  • A state memorial ceremony in remembrance of former President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble


As a ps. there are no Federal Reserve speakers today, the blackout period is now in effect ahead of the January 30 & 31 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting

fomc blackout dates 2024
  • The 'blackout' policy from the Federal Reserve limits the extent to which Federal Open Market Committee participants and staff can speak publicly or grant interviews. The period begins the two Saturdays preceding a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting and ends the Thursday following the decision (decisions are always on Wednesdays).
  • Oftentimes, Federal Reserve officials will schedule important speeches just before the blackout period begins in order to guide market participants about the upcoming meeting. In general, the Fed doesn't like to surprise markets so officials will offer strong hints about what's coming. If top Fed officials need to adjust market expectations between the start of the blackout and the decision, they may leak hints to the press; generally the Wall Street Journal.