The European Central Bank appear on track for another 25bp rate cut at their next meeting on December 12. They seem to be behind the curve.

Times below are GMT/US Eastern time:

  • 1400/1000 European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde in conversation with Francine Lacqua, Bloomberg
  • 1500/1100 European Central Bank chief economist Philip Lane takes part in a fireside chat at Central Banking Seminar of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • 1915/1515 Participation by European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde in panel discussion about "The future of cross-border payments: faster safer together – safe and inclusive fast payments across borders" during the IMF/WB Annual Meetings
  • 2000/1600 European Central Bank chief economist Philip Lane gives a speech at a seminar organised by Columbia University
European Central Bank President Lagarde is speaking at 1400 GMT
European Central Bank President Lagarde is speaking at 1400 GMT

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