Austan Goolsbee
  • We must be a little careful over-concluding about the jobs report

So far, his comments are focused on economic data, not the turmoil in markets.

  • The Fed does need to be forward-looking in setting policy
  • If you look at domestic purchases, the GDP was relatively stronger than we expected
  • We're going to get a lot of information between now and the next meeting
  • The international component of this is a factor
  • It's the market to react and the Fed's jobs to act, one of those has a lot more volatility than the other
  • Asked about emergency cut, says he can only speak for himself
  • Everything is always on the table
  • We will respond to conditions
  • If the economy deteriorates, we will fix it; the Fed will respond to conditions
  • I'm not going to bind our hands going forward
  • If jobs data is a longer-term sign, we should then respond to what those forces are
  • We've very restrictive and you only want to be restrictive like that if you think the economy is over heating