A busy session ahead for European Central Bank speakers:

0715 GMT, 03:15 US Eastern time: Bank of Spain´s governor Pablo Hernández de Cos and ECB vice-president Luis de Guindos to take part in banking event

0900 GMT, 0500 US Eastern time: Participation by ECB board member Frank Elderson in focus panel 18 "Beyond GDP indicators" at Beyond Growth Conference 2023

0930 GMT, 0530 US Eastern time: ECB board member Fabio Panetta, presentation during online debate on the digital euro at Kangaroo Group event

1000 GMT, 0600 US Eastern time: ECB member and Bank of Portugal Governor Mario Centeno presents central bank report on 2022 activity

1515 GMT, 1115 US Eastern time: Closing speech by ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos at 18th IESE Banking Industry Meeting “Banking Navigating the Wave of Inflation” in Madrid