I posted earlier on what the PBoC says they are going to do:

In brief:

  • will cut reserve requirement ratio for banks by 50bp
  • will cut 7-day reverse repurchase rate from 1.7% to 1.5%
  • will cut down payments for 2nd homes
  • will cut outstanding mortgage rates for individual borrowers by an average of 0.5%

The caveat on all of this is that the Bank made no time line commitment.

Other measures:

  • will allow funds and brokers to tap PBoC funding to buy stocks
  • PBoC Governor said we might cut RRR rate further by year end
  • MLF will be lowered by 0.3%
  • LPR will be lowered by 0.2 to 0.25%

Again, no specific time line given for all this.

Neverthelss, Chinese stocks have jumped. Property stocks are up nearly 5%.

China AI pic 2