Reuters with the (huge) news out of Singapore's central bank:
- will re-centre mid-point of SG$NEER policy band up to prevailing level
- says no change to slope, width of band
- says appropriate to further tighten monetary policy stance to tackle price pressures
- MAS core inflation now projected to be between 3.0–4.0% for 2022, up from earlier forecast of 2.5–3.5%
- CPI-all items inflation for 2022 expected to come in at 5.0–6.0%, higher than earlier forecast range of 4.5–5.5%
- MAS core inflation projected to rise slightly above 4% in near term, before easing towards end of the year
The Monetary Authority of Singapore conduct monetary policy via changes via its SGD exchange rate mechanism. Not through changes to interest rates.
The MAS meet twice a year only, in April and October. Thus this is an out of cycle move, after an unscheduled meeting, and why I said its huge news. A surprise tightening from the Monetary Authority of Singapore.