Fed's Daly
SF Fed President Mary Daly
  • There are things in the money markets, crypto markets that bear watching
  • household, banks, and businesses have a lot of liquidity; in a good position to weather storms
  • yield curve is well within its historical range
  • We don't control the longer end of the yield curve
  • the yield curve is just another input into assessment of financial conditions: right now I don't see a reason to worry
  • Balance sheet policies will be predictable, and will be in the background: will adjust if needed but won't be adjusting it meeting by meeting
  • We will deliberating about Fed's balance sheet and coming meetings
  • Raising rates will bring demand down
  • also would expect that as Covid receipts, supply chains will be back up
  • I don't see stagflation in the United States
  • Don't see evidence that high inflation is getting embedded into psychology