Reserve Bank of Australia Statement on Monetary Policy (SoMP) for May 2023

Headlines via Reuters:

The RBA AUD forecasts are for:

  • the TWI at 0.60 (previously at 0.62)
  • AUD/USD at 0.67 (prior 0.69)

That CPI forecast for 3% in 2025 is unchanged from previously. The 3% rate is of significance because it's the top end of the RBA target band, ie the Bank does not see inflation down to target until 2025.

GDP forecasts are notably lower than those projected in the February SoMP.

Note that the forecasts above are based on the technical assumption that interest rates peak at around 3.75% in mid-2023, before easing back to around 3% to June 2025.


The RBA's Statement on Monetary Policy sets out the Bank's assessment of current economic conditions, both domestic and international, along with the outlook for Australian inflation and output growth.

  • A number of boxes on topics of special interest are also published.
  • The Statement is issued four times a year.