Employment report for November due from ozz Australia due on 19 December 2019 at 0030GMT

  • Employment Change: +15.0K expected K, prior -19.0K
  • Unemployment Rate: 5.3% expected %, prior 5.3%
  • Full Time Employment Change: K prior was -10.3K
  • Part Time Employment Change: K prior was -8.7K
  • Participation Rate: % expected 66.0%, prior was 66.0%

Via TD:

  • Following the first negative headline employment print in 3 years in Oct, we anticipate a mild reversal, +12k in Nov. The overall trends in partials don't point to a positive trend change yet and NAB's capacity utilisation index is heading back towards lows for the year. We expect the u/e rate & participation rate to remain unchanged from Oct levels at 5.3% & 66% respectively.

Via ANZ:

  • We think that the 19k fall in employment last month was the start of the long-expected slowdown in employment growth. A flat result in November could push the unemployment rate up to 5.4%.