Earlier preview post here:
The numbers:
Employment Change: K expected +30K, prior +115.2K
Unemployment Rate: % expected 5.1%, prior 5.1%
Full-Time Employment Change: K prior was +97.5K
Part-Time Employment Change: K prior was +17.7K
Participation Rate: % expected 66.3%, prior was 66.2%
National Australia Bank is looking for a below consensus job gain of +10K and an unchanged rate of unemployment at 5.1%. NAB point out the survey dates (the two weeks to Saturday 12 June) encompassed much of the Melbourne lockdown (ended Thursday 10 June) and thus the Victorian results will weigh.
CBA are at +45K but also think that given the survey dates do not overlap with Sydney's lockdown any above consensus result will only have a modest AUD impact.
Westpac are also at +45K. and the jobless rate at 5.0% (a tick to 66.3% for participation rate).