Leaked Michel Barnier comments

Leaked Michel Barnier comments

The UK election is tomorrow and if Boris Johnson wins a majority then it's almost certain a UK Brexit deal will be done by January 31.

However that undoubtedly won't end the uncertainty. The next big question is on the future trade relationships between the EU and UK. For that, they will need a new free trade agreement.

Boris Johnson has promised to complete it by the end of 2021.

Few people believe that's realistic and you can add the EU's Michel Barnier to the list. In a leaked recording published by The Independent, he tells MEPs that it's "unrealistic" and that they will do what they can to get through the "vital minimum". He called for a further extension of 1-2 years on that deadline or the relationships would risk reverting to WTO rules. He warned that the decision would have to be taken in June.

The second question this recording raises is: who leaked it? This is a bit of cheapshot on the eve of an election and something that isn't going to make Johnson more inclined to deal fairly with the EU.