Latest data released by Destatis - 31 May 2021
- Prior +2.0%
The readings so far basically reaffirm relatively strong price pressures in May and that should see the national reading later comfortably beat estimates.
The German CPI later is estimated at +2.3% y/y but given the state readings, we may see it come in around +2.4% y/y to +2.5% y/y I reckon - which will be the highest since September 2011 if that is the case.
The releases from Brandenburg and Hesse (also Baden-Wuerttemberg is out) which are scheduled for the same time:
- Brandenburg CPI +2.6% y/y
- Prior +2.2%
- Hesse CPI +2.5% y/y
- Prior +1.9%; revised to +1.8%
- Baden-Wuerttemberg CPI +2.5% y/y
- Prior +2.1%