Canada February 2019 monthly GDP data:

  • Prior was +0.3%
  • GDP +1.1% y/y vs +1.4% expected
  • Prior y/y reading was +1.6%

Estimates ranged from -0.2% to +0.1%. There was a bit of give-back here after a surprisingly strong January reading (it was at +0.3% vs 0.0% expected).

Some details:

  • Mining and quarrying excluding oil and gas -4.4%
  • Oil and gas extraction -0.6%
  • Transportation and warehousing -1.6% -- largest decline since June 2011 (this was due to a rail line closure and poor weather)
  • Finance and insurance -0.6% after two monthly increases
  • Manufacturing -0.4% vs +2.1% in Jan
  • Utilities +1.5% on cold weather
  • Construction +0.2%
Canada GDP chart

Overall, this report isn't as bad as it appears even though the reading is more like -0.15% than -0.1%. The sharp drop in metals mining will turn around in the months ahead on better global demand and unlocking transportation.

Overall, it's not a great economy but it's not a recession either. Somewhere between the +1.2% BOC estimate and the +1.6% consensus sounds about right.