2145 GMT New Zealand December Trade Balance

  • expected -125m
  • prior -1193m
  • Exports expected 5bn, prior 4.63bn
  • Imports expected 5.1bn, prior 5.82bn

2230 GMT - Australia weekly consumer sentiment

  • ANZ Roy Morgan weekly Consumer Confidence, prior 119.4

2330 GMT Japan

  • Overall Household Spending y/y for December, expected is 1.3%, prior was 1.7%
  • Jobless Rate for December, expected is 2.7%, prior was 2.7%
  • Job-To-Applicant Ratio for December, expected is 1.57, prior was 1.56

2350GMT - Japan - Retail sales for December m/m, expected is -0.4%, prior 1.9%

  • and for y/y, expected is 2.2%, prior 2.2%

0030 GMT Australia - National Australia Bank Business Survey for December

  • Business confidence, prior was 6
  • Business conditions, prior was 12

(I'll have more to come on this separately)

ps. The big focus this week from Australia will be Q4 CPI due tomorrow (January 31 at 0030 GMT). Also tomorrow is China official January PMI data.

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