Here is what is coming up from the Asian timezone today. Its an Australian market holiday, which will thin already poor Monday morning liquidity over the next few hours, but once Tokyo comes in and then Hong Kong and Singapore we'll be back closer to normal.
2350GMT - Japan Business Sentiment Index for Q2, from a survey conducted by the Ministry of Finance analysing business leaders' assessments of and forecasts for the economy
0200GMT - China:
May Industrial Production y/y
- expected is 6.0%, prior was 6.0%
May industrial production YTD y/y
- expected is 5.9%, prior was 5.8%
May Fixed Assets (excluding rural) YTD y/y,
- expected is 10.5%, prior was 10.5%
May Retail Sales y/y,
- expected is 10.1%, prior was 10.1%
May Retail Sales YTD y/y,
- expected is 10.2%, prior was 10.3%
Some time this week from China (no scheduled date nor time has been given), we'll get May new yuan loans, Aggregate financing and Money supply data