The Chief currency strategist at Daiwa Securities in Tokyo, Yuji Kameoka, says the EUR/JPY will approach 147, the most since October 2008.
- “Europe’s monetary base continues to be significantly smaller because even as the ECB eases, it’s not buying assets like the BOJ”
Bloomberg follow up on his call by highlighting what they call the “Soros” chart, the ratio of Japan’s monetary base to Europe’s:
- Its jumping to a record
- Japanese traders and investors refer to this gauge as a “Soros Chart,” after George Soros correctly predicted in the 1990s that the yen would weaken because of Japan’s burgeoning money supply
- It also shows the euro, up 46% since July 2012, and the slowing inflation rate in the eurozone:
So, what do ForexLive traders think? On the right track?