Yes, a Bank of Canada speaker during the Asian timezone today
From the top:
2130 New Zealand manufacturing PMI for February
- BusinessNZ/BNZ data, prior 53.1
2250 GMT Bank of Canada Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins speech text
0130 GMT China house price data for February, yesterday's data from China indicated a tick back higher for property investment in Jan/Feb.
0230-0330GMT (likely timing) BOJ monetary policy statement at the conclusion of their two-day meeting. There is no firmly scheduled time, there never is. I'll have more to come on this separately.
- Bank of Japan meeting this week - Goldman Sachs preview - lowered assessments
- ANZ: Bank of Japan meet this week - preview
- The BOJ meet Thursday and Friday this week - preview
- BOJ monetary policy statement due Friday - preview
BOJ Governor Kuroda will speak later, at 0630GMT at his press conference and then again at 0855GMT