Plenty of China data, and of course keep an eye out for COVID-19 headlines about the place (and See here for global coronavirus case data)

Of particular note will be US President Trump spruiking his ideas for re-opening the US economy, due at 2200GMT. Plenty of countries have begun either winding back lock downs marginally or announcing plans/intentions to do so - all of these include continued social distancing and Trump's seminar will be no different.

0110 GMT BOJ JGB purchase operation

  • in the 1-3, 3-5 years left until maturity window

At 0200 GMT we get Q1 GDP and March 'activity data' from China

I posted a heads up on this yesterday: Q1 GDP from China is expected be abysmal.

  • expected is -6.0% y/y

  • prior was +6.0%

March data won't be great either:

  • Industrial Production y/y expected is -6.2%

  • industrial production YTD y/y expected is -10.0%, prior was -13.5%

  • Fixed Assets (excluding rural) YTD y/y, expected is -15%, prior was -24.5%

  • Retail Sales y/y, expected is -10.0%

  • Retail Sales YTD y/y, expected is -12.5%, prior was -20.5%

Later, 0430 GMT Japan - Tertiary Industry Index m/m for February along with the final February read on Industrial Production