A report from Reuters overnight citing a White House spokesman

  • "Our goal is to sign it in Chile. But sometimes texts aren't ready. But good progress is being made and we expect to sign the agreement in Chile"
  • "If it's not signed in Chile, that doesn't mean that it falls apart. It just means that it's not ready"
  • "As the president said several weeks ago, we have reached a phase-one agreement with the Chinese and both sides are working to finalize the text for a signing in Chile"

The signing is intended at the an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Chile, November Nov. 16-17. U.S. President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping will both be there.

White House cautioning the deal might be in writing and ready for signing by then.

Link here for more. And, noting again, this was an overnight report. Its not new, so just an ICYMI.

A report from Reuters overnight citing a White House spokesman

Maybe it'll be something like

"Yeah sure, we have a deal, a really great deal, the best ever … but we forgot to bring a pen".