JOLT job openings for September 2018

  • Prior was 7136, revised higher to 7293K
  • JOLTS job openings come in at 7009K which was lower than the 7085K expected. The prior month came in at 7293K (revised up from a 7136K). The prior month was a record high.
  • Hires 5744K vs 5906K prior
  • Separations 5667K vs 5779k prior
  • Quitters 3601K vs 3648K prior
  • Layoffs and discharges 1700K vs 1790K prior

The numbers are weaker than forecast, but come off some lofty levels.

The USD is moving a bit higher:

  • EURUSD is trading down to 1.14133 after the price extension above the 1.14315 level stalled at 1.14376
  • GBPUSD reached a high of 1.3096 and is trading down at 1.3066 currently (NY session low). The 100 day MA is down at 1.30354. Key barometer for bulls/bears.
  • The USDJPY is trading up toward 113.32-38 resistance area. The high reached 113.303