- Prior 11
- Selling prices -4 vs +4 exp. Prior 3
- Business optimism 19 vs 30 exp. Prior 33
- Export orders -16 vs -2 prior
- Output expectations 26 vs 32 prior
The CBI are virtually ignoring the monthly data (which is crap) to focus on the quarterly numbers (3m to July) which sow new orders at the highest since 1995;
- New orders 24 vs 21
- Output 23 vs 15 prior
- Export orders 0 vs +16 prior
- Export prices -7 vs +1 prior
- Domestic prices -1 vs +4 prior
- Numbers employed 21 vs 18 prior
- Stocks of finished goods 12 vs 7 prior
Slack is still very much apparent with the current capacity numbers and it’s not looking to good on the investment front either ,as the details below show. Expectations a little more encouraging but we’ll need to see them turn out in actual pounds and pence.
CBI industrial trends 22 07 2014
As much as they can crow about the previous 3 months it’s old news and this months numbers are more pertinent. They don’t read so well so we need to keep watch for any weakness in the upcoming data.
CBI industrial trends orders 22 07 2014