Highlights of the March 2016 US import and export prices data report 12 April 2016

  • Prior -0.3%. Revised to -0.4%
  • -6.2% vs -4.8% exp y/y. Prior -6.1%. Revised to -6.5%
  • Export prices 0.0% vs -0.2% exp m/m. Prior -0.4%. Revised to -0.5%
  • -6.1% vs -6.0% prior y/y

Despite a pick up in import prices from petroleum products, the US is still importing some very cheap pricing and that's going to help keep prices low down the chain.

Twinned with the fact that export prices were flat, it perhaps gives Yellen some credit for turning a blind eye to the main inflation numbers.

US import & export prices y/y