More from BOC's Macklem

BOCs Macklem answers some questions

BOC Governor Macklem had no comments on the economy in his prepared remarks, but is sharing some of his views after his speech:

  • Factors impacting inflation or more persistent than we previously thought
  • Expects supply factors that are contributing to inflation, will work their way through
  • Not seeing evidence that wages are becoming an independent source of inflation
  • It may take a little longer than previously thought to work through the frictions in the labour market
  • July and August inflation in line with Q3 forecast of 3.9%
  • Supply and shipping bottlenecks could be more persistent than expected
  • Factors influencing inflation are proving to be more complicated than we thought
  • Recovery could take longer than expected
  • Margin of error on inflation is diminished
  • Track for GDP is probably a little bit slower than we estimated in July but we continue to expect a good rebound

The BOC is certainly going to taper at the end of the month. Central banks are now trying to put themselves in a place where they can at least credibly jawbone about hiking.