October - December quarter inflation data from New Zealand

CPI 0.1% q/q

  • expected 0.4%, prior 0.5%

CPI 1.6% y/y

  • expected 1.9%, prior 1.9%

BIG DROP in Q4 inflation, to +0.1% on the quarter from +0.4% in Q3

  • NZD marked lower immediately.
  • That 0.1% and 1.6% is quite a shock, way under the consensus forecasts.

Q4 trimmed mean

  • 1.5% y/y from 1.7% y/y in Q3

Weighted median

  • 2% y/y, was 2% also in Q3

More info:

  • 'Tradeable' inflation -0.3% q/q and +0.5% y/y
  • Non tradeable +0.5% q/q and +2.5% y/y

I'll add more on this to a separate post a little later