A survey by Tokyo Shoko Research reveals that Japanese firms are not keen on the Olympics taking place this year

The survey polled over 11,000 firms from 1-8 February and showed that 56.0% of firms feel Japan should cancel or postpone the Olympics. In comparison, that is up from 53.6% from a similar poll conducted in August last year.

Only 7.7% of firms felt that the Olympics should proceed in full-form and that is down from 22.5% in the previous survey.

Meanwhile, nearly 20% felt that it should be held with a limited number of spectators with the remaining 17% said that it should proceed with no spectators.

The more telling part of the survey is that over 70% of firms said that cancelling the Olympics will barely have any impact on their earnings.

With the lack of border and travel reopenings, that is no surprise. The Olympics was supposed to be a major economic boom for Japan last year but now it is all about trying to stave off reputation risk and keep appearances - even if it is done at a total loss.