- Prior -37.2k. Revised to -33.2k
- August ILO unemployment rate 6.0% vs 6.1% exp. Prior 6.2%
- August average weekly earnings 3m y/y 0.7% vs 0.7% exp. Prior 0.6%
- Ex-bonus 3m y/y 0.9% vs 0.8% exp. Prior 0.7%. Revised to 0.8%
- August employment change 3m/3m 46k vs 30k exp. Prior 74k
A slowing in amount of people coming off the unemployed list and still nothing to write home about on wages but the tick up in pay ex-bonuses is a step in the right direction. Nothing inflationary to worry about here though.
UK wages 15 10 2014
UK ILO unemployment rate 15 10 2014