Apparently the government's "EU Exit Analysis - Cross Whitehall Briefing" has leaked

  • says the UK would be worse off outside the European Union under every scenario modelled
  • assessment is titled "EU Exit Analysis - Cross Whitehall Briefing"
  • dated January 2018

Buzzfeed say they've seen the doc, and report:

The three most plausible Brexit scenarios based on existing EU arrangements

  1. Under a comprehensive free trade agreement with the EU, UK growth would be 5% lower over the next 15 years compared to current forecasts, according to the analysis
  2. The "no deal" scenario, which would see the UK revert to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, would reduce growth by 8% over that period
  3. The softest Brexit option of continued single-market access through membership of the European Economic Area would, in the longer term, still lower growth by 2%

These calculations do not take into account any short-term hits to the economy from Brexit, such as the cost of adjusting the economy to new customs arrangements.


Link to article: The Government's Own Brexit Analysis Says The UK Will Be Worse Off In Every Scenario Outside The EU

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