Latest data released by ONS - 24 January 2018

  • Prior +2.5%
  • Average weekly earnings (ex-bonus) 3m/y +2.4% vs +2.3% expected
  • Dec claimant count change +8.6k vs +5.9k prior; prior revised to +12.2k
  • Dec claimant count rate 2.4% vs 2.3% prior
  • ILO unemployment rate 4.3% vs 4.3% expected
  • Employment change +102k vs -12k expected

A solid reading as employment figures jumped. Cable now takes out 1.4100.

The jump in employment change is the biggest increase in the 3 months to July 2017. Meanwhile, the claimant count rate ticked up to its highest level since 2015.

EUR/GBP also at session lows of 0.8749 now. Cable at 1.4109 after touching highs of 1.4119.

The ONS report can be found here. Solid numbers overall, one to give sterling bulls a little boost for the time being.