US construction spending for September

  • US construction spending rose by 0.3% vs. 1.0% estimate.
  • Prior month revised to 0.8% from 1.4% previously
  • private construction rose 0.9%
  • private residential construction rose 2.8%
  • private residential improvement spending fell -0.4%
  • private nonresidential construction fell -1.5%
  • public construction fell 1.7%
  • government construction spending was 24% of total in September

Overall, worse than expected data for this month and revision was also a disappointment. The good is private residential construction rose smartly by 2.8%. For public spending, the purse strings from local and state governments from the impact of Covid will put a damper on spending. Of course there was once talk about infrastructure spending. That idea has been put on the back burner.

US construction spending