US New York area manufacturing survey
- Record high
- Prior was 17.4
- New orders 33.2 vs 16.3 prior
- Prices paid 76.8 vs 79.8 prior
- Prices received 39.4 versus 33.3 prior
- Employment 20.6 vs 12.3 prior
- Average workweek 14.0 versus 15.1 prior
- Shipments 43.8 versus 14.2 prior
- Unfilled orders 12.1 versus 7.9 prior
- Delivery time 20.2 versus 29.8 prior
- Inventories 16.2 versus -2.6 prior
- Six month conditions 39.5 vs 47.7 prior
The price indices remain high, but prices paid is off it's all time high reached last month. Prices received reached an all-time high. New orders also at a record level back to 2015