WI traded at 2.611% at the auction time
- High yield at 2.607% at 2.611% at the auction time
- Bid to cover 2.32x vs 6 month average of 2.25x
- Directs come in at 15.1% versus 11.0% last
- Indirects come in at 60.8% versus 60.5% last vs six-month average of 59.8%
- Dealers take 24.08% vs six-month average of 26.2%
A pretty good auction. Bid to cover was higher than the six-month average. Indirects were near average levels. Dealers took less than average. The high yield was a bit lower than the WI at the auction time. Not stellar but certainly not bad or below average either.
The refunding this week was met with pretty good demand. A success.