US trade balance of goods and services for June 2020.
- Prior report
- Trade balance 8 $-50.7 billion for June
- prior month revised to $54.8 billion from $54.6 billion previously reported
- US goods a deficit -72.15B , services surplus US$21.46 billion
- June exports +9.4% vs. May -4.3%
- June imports +4.7% vs. May -0.7%
- June exports $158.25 billion vs. May $144.69 billion
- June imports $208.95 billion vs. May $199.49 billion
- capital goods imports $49.79 billion vs. May imports of $47.54 billion
- OPEC June trade surplus $0.29 billion vs. maize surplus of $0.49 billion
- oil import price $27.74 vs. May $22.78
The flow funds from the trade is been volatile as a result of the Covid crisis. However the overall trend for 2019 and 2020 is for larger deficits despite the efforts to improve trade flows in the US.