CNN numbers showing which percentage of certain counties have voted can't be right

CNN is showing 91% of Florida's votes counted but when you look at the county numbers they don't add up to the sum of the parts. There are many counties still showing at 0%. The math doesn't add up.

The market, I think, is relying on numbers showing the heavily-Democrat Broward county hasn't reported but I don't believe that's true. Same for many other counties.

Trump is up 48.9% to 48.0%. He's going to take Florida IMO.

And that might mean that Latinos haven't turned up for Clinton the way Democrats expected.

But it's far from over but from here, I wouldn't be relying on county reporting and that's going to make for tough trading elsewhere.

CNN is great so far for the overall state tallies and it's the fastest-reporting website I can find. If someone knows a site that's faster for the county results or anything else, let us know in the comments section below.

Update: To be clear, there is no problem with CNN's television coverage. I would pay good money just to have John King up there all night in front of his map. That guy is a treasure. The problem is the county tracking numbers on their website. Not the votes themselves but the part that says which percentage of the county as voted.