Although he probably collects some handsome fees to ease the blow

It is being reported today, by a person familiar with the situation that investor funds are fleeing Bill Ackman's Pershing Square hedge fund as fast as it contractually can.

The assets are said to be $8.2B, which is less than half of the $20B 2015 peak. The $8.2B is also only because of withdrawal restrictions that limit the timing of redemptions.


Of course, the exodus is not without cause.

  • Through March, the index is down -8.6% - outperforming the market in a negative way

Last year the index lost -4% as well which was not a good performance given the "shooting fish in a barrel" gains enjoyed by many in 2017.

Of course big bets on Herbalife and Chipotle were thorns in his side for years. He recently threw in the towel on his Herbalife short bet.

It is reported that he will not be looking to replenish the fund, suggesting he will be winding down and either starting over or simply just managing his own fortunes.

So if your trading is suffering, you can always think of how Bill Ackman must feel, but then again, he probably collected some handsome fees regardless of the results, that eased his pain.