US to detail tariff list on $100 bln imports from China as early as next week

  • mull ban of Chinese investment in the US,

  • Trump White House planning to ratchet up the pressure on China
  • focusing on new tariffs
  • threatening to block Chinese technology investment in the U.S.

according to officials familiar with the strategy says the Wall Street Journal

Article in the Journal is here (may be gated):

White House Plans to Escalate Trade Pressure on China

  • U.S. soon will detail which products are on $100 billion list of goods subject to tariffs; Treasury seeks to block Chinese tech investment in U.S.


AUD little changed on the news hitting (I posted the early heads up here: Reports the White House plans to escalate trade pressure on China)

AUD/USD barely changed, USD/JPY is a few tics lower .... so AUD/JPY lower with that