Major currencies aren't doing a whole lot to start the day. And I would not expect much of a change up in the mood in European morning trade later. It's all about the US jobs report in the day ahead, so expect market sentiment to be relatively muted and subdued as we await the main event later.

FX 07-06

Dollar pairs are keeping in narrow ranges thus far. So, at most we might just get some extension of that in the session ahead. Any moves with real conviction will only come later in US trading.

On the agenda, there will be some items to move things along at least in Europe. German factory output and the final estimate for Eurozone Q1 GDP will be on the cards. However, none of which should offer much impact to broader markets. It will be very much a placeholder session in anticipation of the NFP release.

0600 GMT - Germany April industrial production
0600 GMT - Germany April trade balance
0600 GMT - UK May Halifax house prices
0645 GMT - France April trade balance
0900 GMT - Eurozone Q1 final GDP figures

That's all for the session ahead. I wish you all the best of days to come and good luck with your trading! Stay safe out there.