Major currencies are little changed on the session now with US futures having pared its early gains to keep more flattish. It's a more tentative mood overall in Europe as there is some pushing and pulling going on so far on the day. Here's a snapshot of dollar pairs at the moment:

FX 29-08

The ranges for the day remain extremely narrow and even the likes of the aussie and kiwi have pared their light gains against the greenback from earlier. This comes as US futures have now turned flat.

In the bond market, US 10-year yields are off their lows of around 4.175% to 4.200% now but still down by 1.2 bps on the day.

All in all, it points to a more tentative mood with there being little to work with for now. As mentioned earlier in the day, month-end and the US jobs report on Friday will be the two big factors to watch instead on the week.