- Prior was -0.5%
- Hours worked +1.4%
- Unit labor costs +1.3%
- Compensation per hour worked +0.7%
Productivity in Canada has declined for four consecutive quarters, which certainly doesn't make the Bank of Canada 's job today any easier.
Productivity in Canada has declined for four consecutive quarters, which certainly doesn't make the Bank of Canada Bank of Canada The Bank of Canada (BOC) is the central bank of Canada. It was created in 1934 and is responsible for implementing monetary policy in the country, issuing currency, and promoting a safe and stable financial system.The Bank's main role is to "promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada," as defined in the Bank of Canada Act. This includes maintaining the stability of the financial system, promoting a sound and efficient financial system, and fostering monetary conditions that will preser The Bank of Canada (BOC) is the central bank of Canada. It was created in 1934 and is responsible for implementing monetary policy in the country, issuing currency, and promoting a safe and stable financial system.The Bank's main role is to "promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada," as defined in the Bank of Canada Act. This includes maintaining the stability of the financial system, promoting a sound and efficient financial system, and fostering monetary conditions that will preser 's job today any easier.
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